Sponsorship: TSRA is looking for 2 sponsors for this event. Sponsorship is $300.
Rules: General rules apply.
Each team must consist of atleast 1 member of a twelve step recovery program.
All players must be over the age of 16.
All players will be required to sign a waiver.
There are no gender requirements.
Games will be played to 21, winning by two, or 20 minutes, whichever comes first.
There will be no refs. Players will be responsible for calling their own fouls.
A player who calls a foul, yet makes the basket does NOT earn the opportunity for an extra point. Fouls called result in a dead ball and must be checked at the top.
Points will be counted as 2 (on or inside the 3 point line) and 3 (outside the 3 point line).
Every dead ball is a check up at the top.
Ball must be passed after check.
Change of possession must go behind the 3 point line.
Each team has one, 1 minute time out per game. Score keeper to keep time.
TSRA Reserves the right to modify rules at any point in time during the tournament due to helping game flow as well as upholding the value of sportsmanship.