TSRA Volleyball League


We play co-ed volleyball year round. We play sand, grass and indoor. 4 players. 2 females required on the court at all times.


If you are in a drug or alcohol related 12-step program and would like to join our volleyball league please contact our Volleyball commissioner. Additionally, make sure to join our Facebook group dedicated to Volleyball. This will have all the regular updates.


GIST: We will be playing 4x4. Min 1 female. Can play up to 6 players with 2 females if desired.

WHERE: Cranmer Park | 4501 E 1st Ave., Denver, CO

WHEN: Sunday mornings/afternoon starting 8/25

COST: $100* per team

First and foremost the league is about recovery and unity. While competition is fun, we strive to create a safe and inclusive environment. All players are required to read and sign our code of conduct and rules prior to participating.


No player or fan shall, at any time, lay a hand upon, shove or threaten to strike anyone, especially officials or volleyball personnel Penalty: Ejection from the league and possible charges being pressed

No player or fan shall verbally threaten anyone especially officials or volleyball personnel Penalty: Ejection from the game, venue, and possible ejection from the league

No player or fan shall use sexist, profane, obscene, vulgar language or behavior in any manner, or at any time whether on the field or not. Penalty: 1. Warning by Ref. OR Commissioner 2. Ejection from the game and venue

No player or fan shall refuse to abide by an ref’s decision Penalty: Ejection from the game and venue

No player or fan shall appear upon the field of play or in the stands at any time in an intoxicated condition Penalty: Ejection from the game and venue

Note: ANY person ejected from a game constitutes a forfeit by that individual’s team.

The league is a tool to teach us all how to have fun in sobriety. Let us remember that.

Note to the coaches: There is a spirit that goes with all our rules. Please use discretion/patience when voicing an objection.

TSRA Indoor Volleyball Rules

  1. There will be 3 games in every match- the first 2 games will be played to 21 points, win by 2 with a cap at 25 The 3rd game will be to 15 with a cap of 19.

  2. Points are made on every serve for wining team of rally (rally-point scoring)

  3. Teams will have no more than 6 players

  4. Must serve in order

    1. Rotational order must stay committed until serve is made

  5. There must be at least 2 female identifying players on the court at all times. *Anyone identifying as female in their everyday life, meets these requirements in our league.

  6. There will be no girl rule or boy rule (i.e. if ball is touched more than once a girl does not have be involved in the play & the same will apply to men. If a team has more women, a male does not have to touch the ball.)

  7. Maximum 3 hits per side

  8. If a ball hits a boundary line it is considered in

  9. A ball is out if

    1. It hits outside the court

    2. It hits the antennae or goes on the outside of the antennae

  10. If there is confusion on whether or not the ball was in/out both teams will agree to replay the point

  11. Must serve behind the back line without touching the line on the serve. In the case of a jump serve, the jump takeoff must be behind the line as well

  12. No player can touch the net- if they do the other team earns the point

  13. No player can go under the net if it impedes the play- or it is the other teams point

  14. It is illegal to catch, hold, palm or throw the ball

  15. If two or more players contact the ball at the same time, it is considered one play and either player involved may make the next contact (provided the next contact isn't the teams 4th hit)

  16. A player cannot attack the serve

  17. A player cannot contact the ball illegally (double touching, lifting, carrying, throwing, etc.)

  18. When blocking a ball coming from the opponent’s court, it’s illegal to contact the ball when reaching over the net if both your opponent has not used 3 contacts AND they have a player there to make a play on the ball

  19. When attacking a ball coming from the opponent’s court, contacting the ball when reaching over the net is a violation if the ball has not yet broken the vertical plane of the net.

  20. Back row player cannot attack at the net (must stay behind the ten-foot line- can jump at the 10 ft line and land infront of the 10ft line

  21. Back row player cannot block at the net 


    ***Good attitudes are key! If someone is being a poor sport, they can talk to the commissioner about removing the player if they do not adhere to sportsmen like conduct. This is your program, and you should act with integrity and respect for all players and the league